Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Nothing better than (M)Addie on the banjo!
Buncha smiling goons!
Spoiler alert: ONION BREATH.
Baby Nepod and a doting EG
Tasty Town, USA!

Hi Meraz! Hi Lydia! Hi Slade! Hi snow!
Ain't no party like a stairwell party 'cause a stairwell party don't STOP.

Snow outside, plants are toasty inside. #home #greenhouse #compostpower


EG and Addie Bean seducing the kitchen-dwellers.
Slade kitchen. Slitchen? The words scrawled on the walls, the way you get separated from all sense of time once inside, the faulty oven, the bloody screech the spray-hose makes on that one silver salad bowl, the black mold that may or may not be poisoning us, the nourishing meals that have been a product of this room... I will miss so much! The heart of Slade is truly here.

Love, Pt III

What if we could see the threads?
run our hands across the colors
  soft-edged golds of late night quiets
  blightless blues of smooth-limbed afternoons
could feel the years in weights and textures
  loose cottons of hours basking in the long-awaited spring sun
  lazy wools of wrapping paper winter breakfasts
What if these walls could talk?
  they would be tapestries
even now you can hear the shuttles shooting back and forth past cracks in the paint
  can hear the clatter of pedals barely muffled by aging plaster
there are legends in this loom.
and I have realized we are nets
  holy and only trying to hold love
  trawling for someone who won’t slip between the knots
and yet, we are pearls
the jewels in the nexuses
suspended in a web even as we weave our own worlds
Well what if we could catch it all?
you could pull my gleaming memories from the sea
I could string your smiles together as a buoy line
  let them guide me out of this harbor
I bet they could keep me floating in the ocean
See, I have realized this house is a lifeboat
no, this house is a mast
Norway Spruce backbone this house… is a tapestry
and what if I could be sure I will be woven back into these walls
I thought I could be your sails but I never quite caught the angle of the wind
Instead I sat by the helm whispering you to sleep
  softly turning the white caps to white beads of light strung across a ceiling
    as we shared the words our fathers read us as children
What if you could see how you glowed
  in that cylinder of space where you sat wreathed in a nimbus of sound?
you were endless
you are endless
And don’t you ever forget your power to imprint yourself on the back of an eyelid
  to braid together a basement of loose ends
You are a symphony
  and I thank you.

Ilana Copel
for Slade Hall, 5/1/13
written at open mic
on the last night of classes

Monday, December 24, 2012

We Garden Young!

The Sustainability Academy at Lawrence Barnes is a magnet elementary school located in the Old North End of Burlington. Not sure how common this is, but it is totally awesome!

~hopefully one day sustainability will simply be part of our education system~

Why Not?

This is really cool. We have a slade blog! Thought I'd try post a video and see what it is all about. Here's to Devin and Eric!