Monday, May 30, 2011


Hey Slade,

It's been a while. Two weeks, really, but it feel like a million years since cleaning the house top to bottom til four in the morning with Em, Eric, Tae, Jill, Jens, and even Owen. Two weeks is not long, but it also is so long. I think I really needed that last big clean in the kitchen and basement to feel like I could go. The kitchen has always felt like that part of my brain I retreat to when I need to be quiet for a while, and I'm going to miss it. I already miss it. It's hard to find a new space that feels the same weird timelessness that the kitchen had. Maybe there isn't one.

But right now, Kale and I are sitting in Viva Espresso dreaming about the garden and ice cream. Scratch that, too hot for dairy - we want Italian ice! The greenhouse is almost entirely planted with tomatoes and peppers and basil and tomatillos (that kale had a dream about!) and the garden it on it's way. It's been tough with all this crazy rain for weeks but we can do it! The amount of kale and spinach Kelsey took out of the greenhouse was incredible, so if you're around and like to eat those things let us know! Kale and peanut butter is a good to snack on in the shade.

Going to plant LOTS of BEANS today. Jens and Annie just walked into Viva, too! It's alright here in B-town, but I wish you were all here, too.

LOVE ALWAYS (Kelsey says that is an aggressive way to end this).
Peesh and Kale.

Monday, May 9, 2011

"It's like, if you give yourself, listen, nobody can blackmail you with anything. I'll never forget, you know, when I first started to really understand what this was all about, I just went to my parents and I just started confessing about stuff what I did like in the 2nd grade. Seriously. But we don't know what all that stuff, we're kids, man. All that repression. All that stuff just holding you. All that stuff talking...chained to that....But just from a child growing up with all that guilt. You know, and we think that's God, we think that's God telling us, "Feel guilty." God is saying; "Get free. Confess, man. Understand that, look, everybody is going through the same stuff, same issues, it's just a bunch of repression." And I'm saying, man, life is just, it's too valuable, man, for us to sit here in these boxes all repressed. You know, afraid to admit what we're really going through. I'm tired of that. I tell people, you know it's so funny...Yeah, I'm crazy and deranged. You know? And I'm free."
-Lauryn Hill (Outro, MTV Unplugged)

Came up on shuffle, she's a woman worthing listening to.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

finals week

Peesh here, updating from Viva Espresso! I'm out in the northy part of Burlington and dreaming about summer. One more paper, two exams, some room painting, one big move and we're out. I already miss you all because I'm in dreamland.

I just watched a video of Glenn Beck telling people that powershift taught the youth to kill their parents. I'm confused about how anyone in the entire world takes him seriously, let alone believes in him. I had also grown complacent in my Burlington bubble and forgotten about how scary the world is. Gotta start reading the news again!

On another note, I really like this quote: "The Things to do are: the things that need doing that you see need to be done, and that no one else seems to see need to be done." -Bucky Fuller